Today's painting is not only another landscape, but one on the theme of travelling down a road. This painting was inspired by the vastness of prairies. In a sense looking across a prairie is like looking at the ocean. They seem to have no end even though we know logically that they are just wrapping around the curve of the earth. This painting is 8x10 inches on a gessoed hardboard panel.
Technorati tags:
Contemporary Landscape Painting, Contemporary Oil Painting, Gold Wheat Painting, Grasslands, Impressionist Landscape Painting, Prairie Landscape Painting, Small Oil Painting, spring meadow painting
This reminds me of some roads I've walked on...and no SNOW...I wanna be there...Very nicely done Nancy!!
Hi Nancy. I love and your paintings and really enjoy your site, so I just awarded you the Sunshine Blogger award. Congrats, visit my site to retrieve it!
Saundra--Thanks so much! I know much of the country is under a heavy blanket of snow right now, but we're dreaming of summer!
Lisa--Thanks so much for the award! I'm very flattered.
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