This little 5 x 7 landscape oil painting was created on a gessoed hardboard with a green underpainting. The green of the underpainting helped create the coolness of the winter fog. After the wash, the blue of the fog and the orange and yellow of the grass was added. It was fun to create this little seasonal painting. I like the mysterious atmosphere that developed. This painting is for sale at Etsy this month for $35.00 plus $6.50 for shipping to US addresses. You can click here to purchase it or here to see my other paintings for sale at Etsy.
Technorati tags:
American, Art, Blue, Contemporary, Daily, Field, Fog, Gold, Grassy, Landscape, Lane, Oil, oil painting, Orange, Painting, Path, Road, Trees, walk, Winter, Yellow
Technorati tags:
American, Art, Blue, Contemporary, Daily, Field, Fog, Gold, Grassy, Landscape, Lane, Oil, oil painting, Orange, Painting, Path, Road, Trees, walk, Winter, Yellow