It is coming to an end--summer that is. The evenings are getting cooler, the sun is going down earlier, and the kids are heading off to school. Today's little 5x7 inch oil painting is a good reminder of the days we love--long summer days with warmth and sunshine. If you need a little reminder of the days that will come again, you can purchase this little painting at the
Small Impressions Gallery for $50.00 plus $6.50 for shipping to US addresses. It was created with professional grade oil paint on a 1/4 inch gessoed hardboard panel. The painting is sturdy and will last a lifetime. It will fit easily into a standard size frame and is a reminder that summer will come again.
Technorati tags:
American Oil Painting, Contemporary Landscape Painting, Contemporary Oil Painting, Impressionist Landscape Painting, Pacific Northwest Painting, Prairie Landscape, small format painting, small oil painting, small study, small tree painting, Summer, Sunny, Sunshine, tree painting
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